I recently listened to a speech by a 37 year old woman dying of cancer. My Dad had sent me a link to the speech and knowing my father, I knew this had to be a good one; to my surprise this was not just good, it was great! The video was entitled, "Death is not Dying."
As I listened to her speak, tears filled my eyes. She announced she had only a few months to live, and instead of talking about her disease, she chose to talk about her relationship with Jesus Christ. She spoke of her purpose; and that it was not primarily to be a wife, mother, or friend, but to be a servant of Jesus. She went on to explain how she may be a "good" person in the eyes of people, but when measured against God's holy standards, she was filthy...A sinner.. Just like all of us.. She was a sinner by nature and by choice. The best part about her speech in front of 600 women, was that she spoke of hope in Jesus.
She talked about God's redeeming work through his son, Jesus;and how he lived the perfect life that we were suppose to live, but didn't. She explained true Christianity & that on the cross he took her punishment and our punishment for sin; and that salvation comes only through trusting in Jesus Christ. It took full days of rest and numerous medications for her just to be able to stand for an hour; but it was worth it to her to be able to share Gospel with the lost.
I was deeply encouraged by Rachel Barkey's testimony. I am so thankful my father sent this link to me. I'm thankful God had used this godly women to challenge me in my walk with Jesus, and I hope he does the same with you. http://deathisnotdying.com/ Rachel Barkey went home to her Lord July 2, 2009