Somewhere along the way, we've lost sight of not only the responsibility we have to model the Church, but the responsibility we have as women to uphold what it means to be a women. We buy into the lie that being a man is somehow of greater value than being a woman, so we emasculate our husbands by taking over his God-given role, exercise authority in the church, pick up the feminist torch, and hold our heads high - all the while missing the beauty in being a woman.
My intention is not to start a blog war over egalitarian and complementarian views, nor is it to indict women pastors/women elders (that may come later). My intention is to plead with the women who claim Christ to repent from narcissistic ambition and turn to a loving God who created you to be daughters not sons, submissive to your husbands not disrespectful & rude, feminine not masculine.
Titus 2 paints a picture of the older women teaching the younger women to love their husbands and children; to be homeward focused and graciously submissive. This is how disciple-making looks among women who claim Christ. This is one of the means by which the Lord chooses to teach women about womanhood. I need women like this in my life. I want to speak with as much candor as I possibly can. I need godly women willing to come along side me and teach me how to love my husband and children. We all need women like that in our lives. We're all called to make disciples- this is just one way we, as women can do this effectively. Let's fight the feminist's lie with the truth of the gospel.